What's SHUIN?
When you get SHUIN, you can receive EMA effect, even if you are in another Land.
e.g.: Assume that you have 1,000 EMA points in Land A, and you’re belonging to Land B. If you paid 300 GUM (100 GUM + 200 GUM) to Land A, you are at Phase 2. Then, you can get 23% (20% + Bonus 3%) of EMA points from Land A although you are belonging to Land B.
Additionally, if you have a Land-Sector of Land A, you will get double EMA effect.
However, the bonus points won’t be doubled.
You can get 43% (20%*2 + Bonus 3%) of EMA points in the above case.
When you get some SHUIN in some Lands, you will receive all bonuses.